

    Literally Lord of the Fish. A yogi of celestial proportions who lived around the tenth century A.D. The Guru of Goraknath, he is believed to have been an incarnation of Shiva himself.

    Gorakhnath and Matsyendranath
    Gorakhnath was a highly accomplished yogi. In the whole history of the Yogic culture, he is a star who stands out in many ways. Gorakhnath’s Guru was Matsyendranath, who was a great Yogi and is generally referred to as an incarnation of Shiva. It is not that Shiva was born again. We call him an incarnation because in terms of his knowing and capability, he was not very different from Shiva. After all, we are interested in Shiva for the qualities he possesses, not for the man. Matsyendranath was very close to that, so people said that he is Shiva himself.

    ▵ Great Beings – 3 Stories of Gorakhnath (Isha)

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