[ Dhyanalinga pen-duhnt]
Now, imbibe the powerful energies of Dhyanalinga with the consecrated Dhyanalinga pendant, crafted reverently in pure copper. This pendant goes through a certain process of consecration where it is kept in the space of the Dhyanalinga temple for a certain period of time. Use of this pendant can enhance your receptivity to higher energies and inner growth.
“Dhyana” in Sanskrit means meditation and “linga” means the form. Dhyanalinga is a profound meditative space in Isha Yoga Center that does not ascribe to any particular belief or faith, and requires no ritual, prayer or worship. A powerful and unique energy form, Dhyanalinga is a doorway to enlightenment and spiritual liberation.
“You have known the pleasure and the convenience of modern science; so why the Dhyanalinga? It is because I want you to know the power, the liberation of another kind of science, the inner science, the yogic science through which you can become the master of your own destiny. That is why the Dhyanalinga.”
– Sadhguru
How to wear this pendant?
▵ This pendant must be worn with the necklace/thread made from copper, silver, gold or silk only.
▵ It can be worn by anyone of any age group.
Can linga bhairavi and dhyanalinga pendants be worn together with their respective ropes by the same person at the same time ?
Namaskaram Anna,
Don’t think it will create any issue… However, please check with isha life
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