Kailash Teerth (Water from Mount Kailash)

[Kailash Teerth]

This water is collected from the South Face of Mt. Kailash, which is associated with Sage Agastya, the greatest exponent of Kriya Yoga that is a powerful path of utilising your energy to reach your ultimate nature. Kailash Teerth water is a unique Isha Offering which, for the first time, brings the experience of Mt. Kailash into your life if you haven’t gone there yourself. It is a wonderful way to bring the experience of this mystical mountain into your life.

Isha’s Kailash Teerth water is stored in a copper flask which is lined on the inside with silver. And, copper and silver are among the most sensitive metals in terms of retaining energies, known since ages. Ayurveda has long celebrated the anti-bacterial properties of water stored in copper and silver containers. So, this Kailash Teerth will retain its potency for a long time.

“Water has the ability to store memory and energy. The South Face of Kailash is the very home of mysticism. The Kailash Teerth collected from there carries some of these powerful qualities. It can bring about a new sense of vitality and joy to oneself.”

– Sadhguru

Why Isha Life’s Kailash Teerth?

▵ Sacred water sourced from the South Face of Mount Kailash
▵ Water stored in a copper vessel is anti-bacterial


Kailash Teerth is a wonderful way to bring the experience of this mystical mountain into one’s life.

Collected from the South Face of Mt. Kailash, Kailash Teerth is associated with Sage Agastya, the greatest exponent of Kriya Yoga which is a powerful path of utilizing one’s energy to reach one’s ultimate nature. The South Face is known as Aghora – which means ‘beyond terrible’. When one is beyond the notions of what is terrible or beautiful, one sees the oneness of existence. Thus union with the existence – or yoga – becomes a living experience. Kailash Teerth carries this possibility.READ MORE

The Kailash Teerth is stored in a copper flask which is lined on the inside with silver. Copper and silver are among the most sensitive metals in terms of retaining energies. Kailash Teerth will therefore retain its potency for a long time. Furthermore, Ayurveda has long celebrated the anti-bacterial and anti-carcinogenic properties of water stored in silver containers. Thus, this Teerth , acquires these health benefits.

The copper flask also comes with a special ‘Darshan’ technology attached on its outer surface – which allows you to actually see and get a real-life Darshan of Mt. Kailash on a daily basis.


The copper flask has a special Darshan technology on its outer front surface. Scan the QR code on the front of the copper flask with your smartphone to then see Mt. Kailash as it is today. If you don’t have the QR code scanning app on your smartphone download one from the web.

Directions For Use

This energised water can be used for daily poojas and rituals.

If kept in a separate area of its own, or in a conducive atmosphere alongside consecrated forms such as the Linga Bhairavi Yantra, or Sadhguru Sannidhi, the Teerth can permeate your living space with its unique vibrations.

On special occasions, such as Amavasya or Pournami, the Teerth could be offered in temples as abhishekam.

A few drops of Kailash Teerth placed on a dying person’s tongue can also assist them in this period of transiton – as it infuses an experiential realisation of a dimension beyond body, mind and energy.

Cleaning Instructions

Soak a small piece of tamarind in water so that it softens into a paste.

Add some salt to the paste and rub the tamarind-salt mixture over the copper, silver, and brass.

Scrub until the tarnishes disappear and the surface shines.

Rinse with clean water and dry with a clean cloth.

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