2022 01 Jan 19 Environmental Expert Erik Solheim and Sadhguru Talk about the Save Soil Movement

    Sadhguru had an online discussion Erik Solheim, former Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, who now works with Global Alliance for a Sustainable Planet, the World Resources Institute (WRI), and other environmental organizations. The pair had a wide-ranging conversation touching upon various aspects of soil and spreading the Save Soil message. They discussed the urgent need to change the perception from soil being a bunch of chemicals or dirt to seeing it as a living entity.

    After the call, Erik Solheim tweeted: “Just off from an inspiring call with @SadhguruJV. March 21st, Sadhguru will start a one man ride from London to India to bring world attention to SOIL. He aims to get 3 billion people to talk about our living soil. Bravo!”

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