
    [ kahr -m uh vriddhi]

    Breeding or accumulation of karma.

    Karma refers to the volition with which one performs action. Karma is the mechanism by which relative existence maintains itself. Refers to past action: the cause of all bondage. That which binds one to the body and creates tendencies that rule one’s life. Law of cause and effect.

    Karma (Action)
    Karma means action. Action is on many different levels. There is physical, mental, emotional and energy action which we can call karma.
    Excerpt: Karma – The Memory of Life (Isha)

    Karma (Information)
    What you call as “my life” is a certain amount of energy controlled by a certain amount of information. This information, in today’s terms, can be called software. A certain amount of life energy is charged with a certain amount of information. Together, this information technology is you. You become a certain kind of character because of the type of information that has gone into you.

    From the moment you were born till this moment, the kind of family, home, friends, the things that you did and did not do – all these things are influencing you. Every thought, emotion and action comes only from past impressions that you have had within you. They decide who you are right now. The very way you think, feel and understand life is just the way you have assimilated inputs.

    The past impressions of life go far beyond the moment you were born, but in your perception right now, at least from the moment you were born till today, what kind of parents, family, and education you had, what kind of religious and social background, what kind of cultural realities – all these impressions have gone in. Someone has become a different character simply because of the type of information that has gotten into him. This is what is karma. This information is traditionally called karma or karmic body or causal body – that which causes life.

    Excerpt: What Is Karma and How Does It Work? (Isha)

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