Manipuraka Chakra (Manipura Chakra)

    [Manipuraka Chakra ]

    The third chakra, located a little below the navel. It provides the whole body with the vital energy needed for survival.

    ▵ The Maintenance Center
    The manipura is, in a way, a consequence of swadhishthana and muladhara. It is a maintenance center. Swadhishthana and muladhara together generate life – all that is fundamental and regenerative to the body. The manipura just maintains. This is important because whatever you create will be gone after some time if you do not maintain it. However beautiful a garden may look, if it is not maintained for a month, you can no longer call it a garden. Maintenance is vital. In that sense, the manipura is vital.

    Moving Manipura
    This is the only place where all the seventy-two thousand nadis meet and redistribute themselves. Because of that, one can move one’s manipura in many different ways. Every chakra can be moved, but particularly the manipura has more mobility.

    For those who are into martial arts, being able to move the manipura is important. In order to move the manipura, your martial art has to go from movement to stillness. All these violent and difficult movements of martial arts are just to come to a place where you can be without any movement. When there is stillness in the system, then your ability to move the manipura will be enormously enhanced. In some Far Eastern movies, you may have seen scenes where an old man was sitting there, just did hoo, and everyone fell down. The ability to move the manipura gives you a different kind of power.

    One thing that is done in Far Eastern martial art styles is to continuously knock the manipura in different ways. Every day, practitioners take hundreds of punches in the stomach to strengthen it in such a way that it is very stable. When it is sufficiently stable, you can move it where you want. Moving your manipura, or maintenance center, away from the navel greatly enhances the body’s ability to take a beating and injury, and to last through all that. It also gives a phenomenal capability to move your energy. There are many incredible stories about the manipura being manipulated by martial art experts in powerful ways.

    When you move the manipura from its natural location, it is very important to keep your body still – otherwise, you will not last long. You will not cross thirty-five, thirty-six years of age. If any movement happens at that time, then the entire maintenance center will go into disarray. Once the maintenance center goes into disarray, you will simply die in a strange way, for no apparent reason. No one can diagnose what has happened with you.

    Spreading Sound
    Martial arts people are mostly looking for physical prowess. But people on the spiritual path who are on manipura sadhana bring sound to the manipura. If you bring any sound to the manipura, it spreads right across the body. Let us say you want the sound “Shiva” or “Shambho” to become a part of your system ­–­ then you do manipura sadhana with the sound so that it spreads to every part of the body, and your very body reverberates with this sound.

    ▵ Manipura – The Maintenance Center (Isha)
    7 Chakras: Mystical Dimensions of the Body’s Seven Chakras (Isha)

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