Anukampa 2019-20 – An Inside View on Isha Outreach

    The pages combine a behind-the-scenes look into our social initiatives together with many heartwarming and inspiring stories. 

    Some of the highlights include: 

    • The launch of Cauvery Calling, an effort to revitalize Cauvery river, supporting farmers plant 2.42 billion trees through agroforestry, and impacting over 84 million people. 
    • Action for Rural Rejuvenation is impacting 7 million lives through its programs for rural healthcare, local and tribal welfare, economic development, ecological preservation, and personal growth. 
    • Isha Vidhya continues to deliver uncompromising high quality education to children from impoverished backgrounds. For five years in a row now, Isha Vidhya students have achieved a 100% pass rate in their tenth standard public exams. 

    These are just a few glimpses of some of the initiatives in another truly eventful year.

    Download Isha Outreach Report (Isha)
    Anukampa 2020 – An Inside View on Isha Outreach (Isha)

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