Action for Rural Rejuvenation

    [ak-shuhn fawr rooruhl ri-joo-vuhney-shuhn]

    Action for Rural Rejuvenation (ARR) is a multi-pronged, holistic, outreach program which was established by Isha Outreach under the aegis of the foundation’s social outreach wing, Isha Outreach. ARR’s primary objective is to revitalize rural societies, create sustainable opportunities and transform the lives of rural poor. ARR takes a comprehensive approach to the complex challenges faced by rural communities by implementing a range of holistic health care, community revitalization, disaster management and livelihood programs.

    “”How deeply you can touch another life is how rich your life is.”

    – Sadhguru


    Action for Rural Rejuvenation (ARR) is a multi-pronged, holistic, outreach program which was established by Isha Outreach under the aegis of the foundation’s social outreach wing, Isha Outreach. ARR’s primary objective is to revitalize rural societies, create sustainable opportunities and transform the lives of rural poor. ARR takes a comprehensive approach to the complex challenges faced by rural communities by implementing a range of holistic health care, community revitalization, disaster management and livelihood programs.

    Our Impact Since 2003

    Villages Covered in South India

    11.3 Million
    People Impacted

    5.2 Million
    Patients Treated

    41,407 Players
    Competed in Gramotsavam 2018

    1063 Farmers
    #1 FPO in Tamil Nadu

    Toilets Constructed

    92,520 People
    Learnt Yoga


    Today ARR reaches out to 7500 villages through its various initiatives, benefiting more than 11.3 million people in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Puducherry (UT). These include:


    • Free primary health care services provided to 43,84,711 patients over 1,800 villages in Tamil Nadu & Karnataka through Mobile Health Clinics.
    • 4,73,799 patients received primary health care services through Isha Rural Health Clinics.
    • 2022 Arogya Alai camps have been conducted benefiting 3,47,517 patients


    • 950 households have been covered around Thondamuthur by the solid waste management program.
    • 486 toilets have been constructed in the Thondamuthur block, benefitting 3,800 villagers. A further 82 toilets are in the process of being built.

    Rejuvenating the Rural Spirit

    • 92,520 people learned Yoga practices through Isha Rural Yoga Programs in 2018-2019
    • 988 volleyball and throwball teams have been trained in 2018-2019
    • 14 Isha Gramotsavam mega events with rural games have been organized to showcase rural India’s rich native culture. Lakhs of people participate in the final day celebrations, which are conducted in different places in Tamil Nadu each year.

    Disaster Relief

    • Provided relief and rehabilitation for people affected during natural disasters like tsunami, floods, cyclone and landslides.

    Empowering Farmers

    • First ranked Farmer Producer Organization in Tamil Nadu with 1,063 farmer members.

    Desilting of Lakes

    • Kuruchi Kulam was desilted at the cost of Rs 1.6 crores (funded by NLC), which resulted in increase in the water storage capacity of 3,36,849 m3.

    Past Projects

    • 2008-12: Community Care Center with 10-bed hospital providing care, treatment and support for 3,945 HIV positive patients
    • Link Worker Scheme: Implemented in 100 villages of Coimbatore district with the aim of prevention of HIV/AIDS among high-risk groups, which benefitted 17,000 people.
    • 2008: Isha West Africa Initiative: Yoga programs, games, educational sessions on reusage of land for farming and demonstration of various agricultural methods were conducted for 10 communities near Tiwai Island and Freetown in Sierra Leone.
    • 2010-12: AYUSH-Isha Organic Health Systems – Improved the health status of 42,000-strong tribal population through holistic health care programs by adopting traditional health care systems in 276 hamlets of Kolli Hills, Namakkal District

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    Help people in rural communities lead a better life through a financial donation or contribution in kind.

    Join hands with us to change the lives of villagers in southern India.

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    Our Stories

    Awards & Recognition

    In recognition of its extensive and impactful social work in rural areas, Isha Foundation has been recognized by the United Nations and given a consultative status in the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the UN. The awards and recognition mention here are dedicated to the volunteers in ARR working to make a difference in rural India.

    Union Agriculture Minister presents “Best FPO” Award to Velliangiri Uzhavan

    Velliangiri Uzhavan Producer Company Ltd., a Farmer Producer Company promoted by Isha Outreach, won the “Best FPO” Award at the Outlook Agriculture Conclave in New Delhi yesterday. Union Agriculture Minister Shri. Narendra Singh Tomar presented the award to representatives of Velliangiri Uzhavan.

    Commonwealth Games Coffee Table Book

    Isha’s success story was featured in the Commonwealth Games coffee table book under “Sports for Development”.


    PYKKA has collaborated with Isha as its implementing partner for the Master Trainers Training program in Tamil Nadu. During this training program for sports, PYKKA also integrated Isha’s film “A Ball Can Change the World”.

    Nomination by UNICEF & Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports

    UNICEF and the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports has nominated Isha Foundation as a member in the expert committee at the national level in the Panchayat Yuva Krida aur Khel Abhiyan (PYKKA) scheme.

    Dr.K.S Sanjivi Award

    “Dr. K.S Sanjivi Award” 2010 was given to Isha Outreach for conducting free medical awareness and camps in remote rural areas.

    Rashtriya Swayamsiddh Samman

    National level award instituted by JSPL Foundation was given to Isha Outreach under the category “Inspiration Model – Health” in 2016.

    HCFI CSR Rural Award

    Isha Outreach received the “HCFI CSR Rural Award” 2018 from the Heart Care Foundation of India.

    Beyond Sport

    The “Sports for the Environment Award” was awarded by Beyond Sport in 2010.

    Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puraskar

    In 2018, Isha Outreach received the “Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puraskar” award from the President of India for sports development.


    In 2018, Ministry of Youth and Affairs & Sports recognized Isha Outreach as a national sports promotion organization for promotion of sports.

    Our Projects


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    Contact Us

    Action for Rural-Rejuvenation
    Velliangiri Foothills,
    Ishana Vihar Post,
    Coimbatore – 641114
    Auction +91 844 844 7707.
    Phone: +919442590054

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