
    [him-uhleyuhz, hi-mahl-yuhz]

    Lit. the abode of ice and snow. Range of mountains in the north of India

    “These mountains are so alive
    with spiritual vibrations. Many known and unknown spiritual masters chose these mountains as their abode and have illuminated the place with their energies. Himalayas are certainly an uplifting experience for all spiritual seekers.”


    “Before you are too weak or old you must meet and merge with the beloved Himalayas – it is my wish and
    my blessing.” 


    The Himalayas,
     venerated as the abode of the Enlightened, have been a destination of great significance for spiritual seekers across the world. Many spiritual masters have illuminated these mountains with their energies. Sadhguru has always felt a deep affinity for these sacred mountains. 

    ▵ About Himalayas
    The word “Hima” in Sanskrit means “snow” and the word, “alaya” means “abode”. But the mighty mountain ranges of the Himalayas are more than just an abode of snow. They are Mother Nature’s biggest miracle. The Himalayas are the roof of the world, overwhelming us with their sheer magnificence and size and humbling us by giving us a true perspective of how small and insignificant we humans are. Home to eight of the ten highest mountains in the world, with Mount Everest being the highest, the Himalayas are revered the world over. While adventurers look at the Himalayas as a constant challenge that helps them discover their inner strength, for those on a quest for beauty, these mountain ranges offer the most virgin, pristine and stunning landscapes ever known to man. But for individuals on a spiritual journey, the Himalayas are the ultimate destination.
    These ancient mountains are considered the abode of the gods and the spiritual center of the world. Hundreds of temples and shrines dot the Himalayan foothills even as the mist-shrouded snow-capped peaks have given birth to many mythological stories and legends that form the backbone of India’s many cultures and religions. In fact, a trip to the Himalayas is considered to be the ultimate pilgrimage in South-East Asia.

    • According to Hinduism, the Himalayas are the abode of Shiva. They are home to India’s most significant spiritual spaces like Kailash Manasarovar, Amarnath, Vaishno Devi Temple, the Char Dhams – Kedarnath, Badrinath, Yamunotri, and Gangotri – as well as many beautiful monasteries and Buddhist gompas.
    • The Himalayas are also known as Giriraj or the “King of Mountains”, which is a deity by itself in the Hindu pantheon. The Himalayas have also been personified as the god Himavat, the “God of Snow”, who is the father of Ganga, Saraswati and Parvati.
    • The mystical, enchanting Himalayan mountains are a treat for your senses. View some of the most breathtaking panoramas on Earth, enjoy the crisp mountain air on your skin, listen to the chants of devotees along with the songs of the wind and smell the wondrous fragrance of the mountain trees and flowers.
    • The Himalayas are the source of the Indus Basin, the Yangtze Basin and the Ganga-Brahmaptura, which are three of the world’s primary river systems.
    • Geologists have performed tests over years to prove that the Himalayas, covering an area of 612,021 sq. kms, across six countries — Bhutan, India, Nepal, China, Afghanistan and Pakistan — are geologically alive. This mammoth mountain range is said to be moving approximately 20mm every year! The Himalayas have always been the source of immense peace, tranquility and enlightenment for countless sages, yogis and spiritual gurus including Adi Sankaracharya, Guru Gobind Singh, Vivekananda and many others. Sadhguru always felt a deep affinity for these sacred mountains as well. Every year, devotees undertake the holy trek in spite of all the challenges they face due to extreme geographical and weather conditions. This is the beauty of this sacred space.

    Himalayas (Isha)
    Himalayas (Isha)

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