

    The base or the feminine portion of a linga.

    ▵ Dhyanalinga is like a womb
    When we consecrated Dhyanalinga, the southwestern corner of the premises becoming Linga Bhairavi was always on my mind. I think I spoke about it a couple of times but at that time, we neither had the means nor the time on our hands to do it. But it was essentially planned this way.

    Dhyanalinga is like a womb. It is the yoni of the Devi. The word yoni describes a womb. In Sanskrit and most indigenous languages, there is no equivalent word for vagina. It is only when somebody’s intelligence gets hijacked by his hormones and he starts thinking sexually, that he thinks of a vagina as a separate part. Otherwise, yoni means it is a womb. It was seen as a sacred space that all of us have to inhabit in the most crucial part of our making when we have nothing in our hands. At that time, when everything is in the hands of nature, that space protects us and makes us. This was held as the most sacred space.

    Always, in the Shiva and Shakti principle, wherever the linga and yoni are presented, it is the inside of the womb that you are seeing. That is why the female part, the avudaiyar, is at the base and the linga is inside. When you enter the Dhyanalinga space, you are inside the womb and the linga is inside the womb – that is how it is shown.

    Linga Bhairavi was always a part of this triangle. It is just that we had not created an official space yet. Earlier, in some way – not in terms of Dhyanalinga, he is complete by himself – but as a space, this was slightly incomplete. With the completion of Linga Bhairavi, this is a complete system now. The triangle of Linga Bhairavi is the pubic triangle of the Devi, the Dhyanalinga dome is the inside of the womb and the Dhyanalinga is inside it. The first, life-generating reverberation that happens out of this is called Spanda, and that is why the Spanda Hall is situated the way it is.

    ▵ Linga Bhairavi, Dhyanalinga & Spanda Hall – An Intricate System (Isha)

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