[Energized Copper Form (Linga)]
Every form and shape has its own vibrance and quality about it. This ellipsoid or linga can be energized in various ways to bring different types of wellbeing to humanity. At the Abode, the linga is submerged in water and all visitors have the opportunity to touch the form and connect with the energy that it radiates.
“Adiyogi is a reminder that you can be involved with everything in the universe and still be absolutely above it. That’s the message he is. That is his message; absolutely engaged in life but never in it. I don’t want you to ever see him as a god. I want you to see him as a human being, who achieved a state that everybody should aspire for.”
– Sadhguru
The Abode of Yoga is a powerful energy source designed for anyone to enhance their wellbeing on all aspects of life. Simply sitting within the Abode allows one to reach an elevated state of consciousness and know yoga as an inner experience beyond mere knowledge, philosophy, or technique.
Sadhguru, a realized yogi and mystic, consecrated the Abode through a powerful yogic process – Prana Pratishtha (consecrating using life energies) – on September 23rd, 2015.
The Abode is also an expression of gratitude to Adi Yogi, the first yogi, who offered the yogic sciences to the world over 15,000 years ago. The profound methods offered at the Abode are in consonance with Adi Yogi’s work.
The Abode is available – beyond race, religion, or culture – to bring fulfillment and wellbeing to all. Visitors may become receptive to the energies and grace of the Abode through various offerings, processes and spending time meditating within the space.
Open year round from 8 AM – 8 PM, the Abode is the main feature of the Isha Institute, a leading center for inner exploration and complete wellbeing for the past 20 years.