Isha Hatha Yoga Teacher Training

    [Isha Hatha Yoga Teacher Training]

    Isha Hatha Yoga School delivers classical Hatha Yoga in its full depth and dimension. It is Sadhguru’s vision to offer this ancient science in all its purity and make it available to every individual. As a step towards realizing this vision, he has devised the Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Program. In this program, Hatha Yoga is taught as a living experience in the beautiful ashram setting of the Isha Yoga Center, India under the grace of a living master. Upon completion of the program, trainees will have the privilege and fulfillment of bringing this knowledge to many more people. The 21-week Hatha Yoga Teacher Training course is an unparalleled opportunity to explore a yogic tradition which has been maintained in its full sanctity and vibrancy for thousands of years.

    The program commences on the auspicious day of Guru Purnima, and is conducted in Adiyogi Alayam, a specially created space for imparting Hatha Yoga at the Isha Yoga Center. Program aspects include powerful sadhanas, intensive training to teach yogic practices, and various other complementary aspects. The curriculum does not include just the teaching of asanas, but ensures the trainees absorb the yogic way of life. Upon successful completion of the program, the trainees are certified by Isha to teach hatha yoga and will receive post-training support.

    In our Hatha Yoga Teacher Training, we bring back dimensions of Hatha Yoga that are almost extinct. Hatha Yoga is a very powerful way of life.

    – Sadhguru

    What is Hatha Yoga Teacher Training?

    Isha Hatha Yoga School delivers classical Hatha Yoga in its full depth and dimension. It is Sadhguru’s vision to offer this ancient science in all its purity and make it available to every individual. As a step towards realizing this vision, he has devised the Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Program. In this program, Hatha Yoga is taught as a living experience in the beautiful ashram setting of the Isha Yoga Center, India under the grace of a living master. Upon completion of the program, trainees will have the privilege and fulfillment of bringing this knowledge to many more people. The 21-week Hatha Yoga Teacher Training course is an unparalleled opportunity to explore a yogic tradition which has been maintained in its full sanctity and vibrancy for thousands of years.The program commences on the auspicious day of Guru Purnima, and is conducted in Adiyogi Alayam, a specially created space for imparting Hatha Yoga at the Isha Yoga Center. Program aspects include powerful sadhanas, intensive training to teach yogic practices, and various other complementary aspects. The curriculum does not include just the teaching of asanas, but ensures the trainees absorb the yogic way of life. Upon successful completion of the program, the trainees are certified by Isha to teach hatha yoga and will receive post-training support.

    What is Hatha Yoga?

    Sadhguru: In the tradition, once we use the word “yoga” attached to anything, it indicates that it is a complete path by itself. “Hatha” has the word “yoga” attached to it because hatha yoga is a complete path by itself. If it is a complete path by itself, how it should be approached is the question. If it was just a simple practice, you can approach it one way. If it was an exercise, you could have approached it another way. If it was an art form, it could be approached another way. Or if it is just entertainment, it could be approached another way.I am using all these examples because all these things have been said about yoga, and they are still in usage in today’s world. People say “recreational yoga,” “health yoga”– people are referring to it as an art form. They think they are doing yoga a service by calling it an art form. No. The moment you attach the word “yoga,” it indicates it is a complete path by itself.In most Indian languages, in common usage, the word “hatha” means being adamant. This is the quality that you will need. Your body says, “Enough, I had it.” But you are adamant. This is hatha yoga. Your mind says, “I give up, I can’t do this anymore.” But you are adamant, you simply do it. We want to take the physical form beyond its present levels of limitations. In a way, hatha yoga means you want to make your comfort zone universal. Right now, for most people, their comfort zone is a very small band. If you make your comfort zone universal, wherever you are, however you are, you are at ease. If I make you stand on your head, you are still at ease. Hell will not work for you; you are adamant enough to frustrate the devil!Hatha yoga is about creating a body which is not a hurdle in one’s life. The body becomes a stepping stone—not a hurdle, not a roadblock—in one’s progress of blossoming into his ultimate possibility.

    Participants will:

    • Learn Classical Hatha Yoga through a program designed by Sadhguru, a live master and yogi
    • Spend 5 months dedicated to deepening your own practice and learning to teach the systems of Upa-Yoga, Angamardana, Surya Kriya, Surya Shakti and Yogasanas
    • Live and practice in the Adiyogi Alayam, a consecrated space specially designed by Sadhguru for learning Hatha Yoga
    • Be trained by highly qualified and inspiring teachers who are directly trained and guided by Sadhguru
    • Train with dedicated individuals from around the world, creating a rich multicultural experience and broad network of colleagues
    • Participate in a variety of celebrations, events and special occasions at the Yoga Center, including:
      • Powerful processes like Pancha Bhuta Aradhana at Dhyanalinga and Purnima Abhishekam at Linga Bhairavi
      • Festivals and celebrations at the Yoga Center
      • Basic and advanced Isha Yoga Programs conducted at the Center
      • Sadhguru Darshan


    Trainees will learn and explore the following practices as a part of the training:

    ▵ Angamardana
    A series of 31 dynamic processes rooted in yoga, to invigorate the body and reach peak physical fitness. “Angamardana” means gaining complete mastery over the limbs.

    ▵ Surya Kriya
    Surya Kriya is a potent yogic practice of tremendous antiquity, designed as a holistic process for health, wellness and complete inner wellbeing.

    ▵ Yogasanas
    Hatha Yoga is offered as a set of 21 powerful postures, or yogasanas, through which one can transform the body and mind into a possibility for ultimate wellbeing.

    ▵ Bhuta Shuddi
    Bhuta Shuddhi means “purification of the elements.” The wellbeing of the body and mind can be established by purifying the five elements within the human system.

    ▵ Surya Shakthi
    Surya Shakti is to energize the system to a different dimension. This 18-step process also helps to strengthen the ligaments that hold the skeletal and muscular structure together.

    ▵ Bandhas
    “Bandha” literally means a lock. Bandhas are essentially your ability to lock and direct your energy where you want. They are generally practiced after the practice of Hatha Yoga.

    ▵ Mantra Yoga
    The Mantra Yoga process includes an initiation into AUM chanting. AUM chanting is a powerful practice that aligns the three fundamental aspects of the system – body, mind and energy.

    ▵ Nada Yoga
    When practiced daily, this simple meditation can strengthen one’s physical and mental constitution and bring about tremendous balance and wellbeing.

    ▵ Bhakthi Sadhana
    More than just an act, Bhakti Sadhana is a way to make devotion your very quality.

    ▵ Guided Meditations
    Experience guided meditations, which can bring health, dynamism, peace and wellbeing into one’s life.

    ▵ Pranayam
    “Prana” means the basic life energy within us, and “yama” means to control. Pranayam is about having control over the prana. It brings a balance between the fundamental energy channels in the system.

    Other Aspects of Training

    Trainees will learn and explore the following practices as a part of the training:

    ▵ Science of Siddha Medicine
    Trainees will be introduced to the science of Siddha medicine and its complementary application with the science of Yoga.

    ▵ Diet
    Trainees will learn about a conducive diet for practicing Hatha Yoga. Beyond mere do’s and don’ts, the curriculum looks in depth at the effect of particular foods on the system and how different foods can support or restrict one’s physical and spiritual development.

    ▵ Yogic Physiology
    Trainees will learn about subtler aspects of the human body from a yogic perspective.

    ▵ Yogic Principles and Lifestyle
    Trainees will learn the principles of a yogic lifestyle, which will be reflected in their daily schedule and life at the Yoga Center.

    ▵ Anatomy and Physiology
    Trainees will learn the relevance and application of these foundational principles to the practice of yoga.

    ▵ Teaching Methodology
    A step‐by‐step methodology has been devised by Sadhguru for training teachers in organizing and conducting programs.

    ▵ Planning Classes and Modules
    Trainees will learn how to prepare more than 48 different modules, including 1‐day, 3‐day, 1‐week, 2‐week, and 1‐month modules, as well as drop-in classes. Trainees will learn how to prescribe different modules based on participant needs, as well as receive real-life training on different class situations that may arise.

    ▵ Sacred Places
    Trainees will have the unique opportunity to visit places in Southern India which are of significance to the yogic tradition, as well as perform site-specific sadhana specifically devised by Sadhguru to evolve one’s inner experience, appreciation, and understanding of the science of yoga. Trainees will also have the rare opportunity to take a pilgrimage to some of Southern India’s most powerful sites, located in the nearby Velliangiri Mountains.

    ▵ Pancha Bhuta Aradhana
    A powerful process of Bhuta Shuddhi, purification of the five elements, will be offered to participants at the Dhyanalinga, on a specific day of the month known as Shivratri. The qualities of each of the five elements are made accessible through a powerful process involving mantra (sound), yantra (form), tantra (technology), and sarvanga sadhana (using the human body as an instrument of worship). The material form of each element, along with its corresponding mantra and an elaborate series of movements, are designed to create a certain reverberation, thus harmonizing this element within the human system.

    Other Features

    Other Features:

    • Powerful processes and spiritually significant occasions that take place at the Dhyanalinga and Linga Bhairavi.

    • Festivals and celebrations at the Yoga Center, including Guru Purnima, Krishna Jayanti, Diwali and Dusshera.

    • Basic and advanced Isha Yoga Programs conducted at the Center.

    • Volunteering activities at the ashram, which will also help in making one more receptive to the process of yoga.

    Teacher Certification:

    • After careful assessment, those trainees that meet the requirements for successful completion will receive certification to teach Isha Hatha Yoga as an independent teacher.

    • For certified teachers, post‐training support will be provided by Isha on various levels. A continuing training process will be required for teachers to maintain their certification on an ongoing basis.

    Facilities & Inclusions

    ▵ Meals
    Wholesome and pranic vegetarian meals will be served twice daily. Seasonal, locally available fruits and vegetables will be provided. To support the training process, participants are asked to avoid consuming coffee and tea. Herbal tea will be available.

    ▵ Internet & Library
    Trainees will have access to an Internet Center with broadband connection outside of class time. A study room and library is also available with a rich collection of reference books and the entire set of Sadhguru’s books and DVDs.

    ▵ Adiyogi Alayam
    The Adiyogi Alayam is a sacred space consecrated by Sadhguru specifically to create an environment supportive for the transmission of Hatha Yoga. Unique in structure and design, the Alayam, an 82,000 sq. ft. column-less hall, is an invaluable offering to humanity.

    ▵ Accommodation
    Accommodation is provided within the premises. Two trainees will share a room. Single and A/C accommodations are also available at an additional cost. Please note that men and women will be given separate accommodations. However, if you are attending the program with your spouse and would like to stay together, please indicate this in your application form.


    Program Prerequisites:

    • Attending the Inner Engineering (full course with initiation into Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya) and also attending at least one Isha Hatha Yoga program (e.g. Surya Kriya, Angamardana,Yogasanas) are mandatory to participate in the training program. Also, it is essential that you be in good mental, emotional and physical health due to the rigorous nature of the schedule and activity.

    • Participating in advanced Isha Foundation programs (BSP, Shoonya) is highly recommended. These simple but powerful energy processes for inner transformation will greatly enhance your experience of the training.Note: For more details please refer to FAQ section.

    Study Requirements:

    The course requires personal discipline, involvement, dedication, and commitment to the process offered.

    • 100% attendance in all classes is mandatory.

    • Trainees are expected to follow the program schedule strictly.

    • Trainees must stay in the Center’s premises for the duration of the program.

    • Alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs are prohibited in the Center’s premises.

    • The course does not encourage personal relationships amongst Trainees.

    • Trainees must have their own health insurance for the duration of their stay at the Center.

    How to Apply

    Application Information (Isha)

    Registration Procedure
    Interview: On receipt and approval of your application, an online interview will be conducted.
    Response: After your interview, you will be informed about your application status as soon as possible.

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    Program Details FAQs

    What is the training program cost and what all does it cover?

    The program fee for the 21 weeks Hatha Yoga Teacher’s training program is for about 1750 hours of training. Accommodation rent would be extra based on the category of accommodation opted for. The program fee includes:

    • Tuition Fee
    • Training Material
    • Practice Material
    • Bhuta Shuddhi Kit
    • 2 sets of practice clothing suited for Hatha Yoga
    • Post Training Support, including ongoing practice corrections and new teaching material.
    • Introduction to classical South Indian medicine, the ancient Siddha science.
    • Classes and materials in anatomy and physiology.
    • Job placement opportunities.
    • Access to a growing network of teachers and teaching opportunities.

    What is the teacher training program schedule?

    The Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Program is a very disciplined and intense process. It will require 100% involvement in all sessions and full commitment to the process.

    Daily schedule: The day begins promptly at 5:30 am and usually ends in the night by 9:30pm. Practice sessions will be in the morning and evening. Rest of the day is dedicated to classroom and teaching aspects. The ashram follows a two meals system – brunch and dinner, with a snack in the afternoon.

    •     100% attendance in all classes is mandatory.

    •     Students are expected to follow the program schedule strictly.

    •     All participants must stay in the Isha Yoga Center premises for the complete duration of the training program, unless they are going on a trek or excursion organized by the program.

    Is there any Hatha Yoga Teacher Training program available outside India?

    Due to the unique nature of the program and the environment in which it is being conducted, the Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Program is only being offered at the Isha Yoga Center in Coimbatore, India. This space has been designed in such a way that it is incredibly supportive for the training, allowing trainees to push past their limitations and commit themselves in a very profound way.

    Are there any sponsorship or discounts available?

    No sponsorships or discounts are being offered.

    Program Eligibility and Support FAQs

    ▵ What are the prerequisites for this program?

    • Attending the Inner Engineering program (Full course with initiation into Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya) and also attending 1 Isha Hatha Yoga program (e.g. Surya Kriya, Angamardana, Surya Shakti, Yogasanas) is mandatory to participate in the training program. Also it is essential that you be in good mental, emotional and physical health due to the rigorous nature of the schedule and activity.
    • Participating in advanced Isha foundation programs (BSP, Shoonya) is highly recommended. These simple but powerful energy processes for inner transformation will greatly enhance your experience of the training.

    ▵ Is there any post training support available after the program completion?

    For certified teachers, continuous post-training support will be provided by Isha on various levels. Ongoing support after the program includes:

    • Regular Upgrade Sessions to continue the teacher training process by introducing new practices, modules, learning modifications for existing practices, and more. It is also an opportunity to meet with training teachers and teachers from other batches, share your experience and get your questions answered.
    • An alumni support system to address questions, notify about upgrade sessions and events, job opportunities, share monthly newsletter and videos/ content will be available as well as an interactive community forum to stay connected with fellow teachers.
    • Foundation support (subject to terms and conditions) is also available to help with:
      • Getting in touch with local center to get started with the teaching process
      • Getting in touch with alumni from previous programs
      • Organizing classes, class material and volunteer support
      • Help with marketing activity to promote your classes

    ▵ I wish to enroll for this program for my personal wellbeing only. Is that okay?

    • The Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Program has been designed by Sadhguru to train and equip participants to become teachers and offer the possibility of Classical Hatha Yoga to the world.
    • It is a Teacher’s Training program and therefore only candidates who sincerely wish to teach will be accepted. The program is very intense in nature and will require absolute focus and commitment.

    Benefits FAQs

    ▵ What are the key benefits of the Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Program?

    Hatha Yoga Teacher Training program can transform your life in a beautiful and powerful way. It is an opportunity to:

    •     Learn Classical Hatha Yoga through a program designed by Sadhguru, a live master and yogi.

    •     Soak in 5 months dedicated to learning and deepening your own practice, including the systems of Upa Yoga, Angamardana, Surya Kriya, Surya Shakti, Yogasanas.

    •     Focus upon establishing these powerful practices in your own experience and then engage in rigorous training which empowers you to teach others.

    •     Explore and learn different aspects of yoga beyond asanas (postures) including Kriya, Pranayam, Bandhas, Mantra Yoga, Nada Yoga, Bhakti Sadhana and Bhuta Shuddi.

    •     Delve into subjects, which will help you to understand the human body in both structure and function, including anatomy and physiology, the pranic system, the science of Siddha medicine, yogic principles, lifestyle, and diet.

    •     Live and practice in the Adiyogi Alayam, a consecrated space specially designed by Sadhguru for learning Hatha Yoga.

    •     Be trained by highly qualified and inspiring teachers who are directly trained and guided by Sadhguru.

    •     Offer over 48 different teaching modules, designed to be taught in different settings and to different audiences based on the participants’ aspirations and various health/life situations.

    •     Train with dedicated individuals from around the world, creating a rich multicultural experience and broad network of colleagues.

    •     Participate in a variety of celebrations, events and special occasions at the Yoga Center, including:

            •     Powerful processes like Pancha Bhutha Aradhana in Dhyanalinga and Pournami Abhishekam at Linga Bhairavi.

            •     Festivals and celebrations at the Yoga Center.

            •     Basic and advanced Isha Yoga Programs conducted at the Center.

            •     Participation at ashram Sathsangs (literally “communion with truth”) with Sadhguru.

    Teaching and Certification FAQs

    ▵ I wish to teach after the program. Can I teach alone or do I need to have another person with me to demonstrate the practices?

    You will be trained to teach both alone as well as with a demonstrator.

    ▵ How will I be assessed for certification?

    Certification will take into consideration, but not be limited to, the following aspects:

    •     Attendance: All sessions are mandatory. 100% attendance is compulsory.

    •     Practice Instructions: Trainees must be able to memorize practice instructions.

    •     Conducting classes: Trainees must show proficiency in conducting mock classes.

    •     Practice: Trainees should be competent to demonstrate the practices.

    •     Attitude: Trainees should be sincere and willing to participate fully in all aspects of the program.


    I had never visited a country outside Europe. I had seen videos about Sadhguru and the ashram, though the atmosphere in real life turned out to be indescribably amazing. The first few days I had to settle a bit down because of all the new impressions. But when the days passed by, I started to notice the ashram and me going along together very, very well. Especially, the Dhyanalinga and Linga Bhairavi contributed to that. Just sitting there and opening myself to all the energies, being at total ease. I slowly began to experience myself in a way I haven’t felt for a long time. Being here and practicing yoga is my healing – to discover myself again. I feel myself breathing again, I feel myself in the body again, walking again, seeing again, experiencing again, I feel myself alive again. I really never felt myself this way in such a long time….. I am so deeply touched.– Bianca, The Netherlands

    Coming to Isha was the best decision I ever made and I’ve never been so happy in my whole life. Even the greatest joy I felt before was only a shadow of the sense of connection and bliss I have now. There is something so precious and beautiful which I have found here. I’m discovering aspects of myself I never even knew existed. Learning things I had no idea I didn’t know. Growing in ways I never imagined were possible. I don’t know where this will lead but right now everything is as it should be, and it’s all thanks to Sadhguru. I want to make the rest of my life a tribute to Isha, striving to fulfil Sadhguru’s dream and spreading his message to all those I come in contact with. Something that’s always been in me resonates with what happens here at Isha; everything comes so naturally – humility, grace, gentleness, compassion, generosity… it’s all the best parts of me which I get to explore! Each hour I spent learning was blissful and challenging – as a seed must break open in order for the plant to grow. Thankfully my teachers were as caring as they were wise, acting as role models for the intensity and integrity which I aspire to develop in myself.– Amanda, UK

    There were innumerable health benefits for me. I lost over 20 kilos over the course of the program! My flexibility, strength, vibrancy and overall fitness has dramatically increased. On another level, I feel like I have been empowered with tools that i can employ for the rest of my life – tools that do not require faith or doctrine. They merely need to be applied and the result is certain. I feel privileged to be in a position to offer these tools to others. I do not need any more philosophies or theories to health and well-being. For me the search is complete, the change I see in myself is my own proof.– Vijay, Australia

    It’s amazing to see such a diverse group of people whether it’s nationality, age, fitness level or religious backgrounds, coming together and working harmoniously towards their goals. The program is designed brilliantly. Besides learning Hatha Yoga in its purest form, we also have sessions on Science Celeste, Indian traditional medicine, and how food can play an instrumental role in healthy living and disease prevention.

    The teaching is imparted in such a way that it can seep into each one of us gradually. At the same time, the content is so powerful that it challenges us at all levels so that we can imbibe this transformation that we aspire to.– Paridhi Modi, Australia

    Words do no justice when attempting to describe what is being offered here. The very powerful practices have transformed me in many aspects. Also, the teaching methods have been a tremendous learning experience. But what has touched me the most, is the way the teachers and the volunteers have offered themselves totally to us. Their absolute focus and involvement, day in and day out, the way they hold the teaching as sacred and their total presence and involvement, has been inspirational. One cannot help but dive totally into this process. I am extremely grateful.– Hera, Canada

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