

    As you explore, as you know, the wonder will increase because you realize the nature of the existence. 

    A sense of wonder

    Sadhguru: I used to sit down on the terrace, trying to make segments of the sky and meticulously counting. I went up to seventeen hundred, and then you get all mixed up. What was there is not there anymore, what was not there had come. That itself was a wonder – seventeen hundred just blew my mind. Today scientists are telling you there are over a hundred billion galaxies – not stars, a hundred billion galaxies. As you explore, as you know, the wonder will increase because you realize the nature of the existence. Scientists are so freaked out now; they don’t know which direction to go because wherever they look, it all looks deeper than it ever was. Do you know, just on your facial skin, there are billions of organisms right now. As we look closer at life, wonder will just explode in you.

    A sense of wonder is gone not because of innocence or lack of innocence, but because what we call knowledge are stupid conclusions about life. Today, people are carrying their attention deficit like a qualification. Anything in this existence will yield to you only if you pay substantial attention to it. But people have become such that they can’t pay attention to anything. In this condition, there will be no wonder, only conclusions in your head. There are only monologues going on in your head; there is no perception. If there is perception, all the noise in your head will just stop. If you are looking at something absolutely beautiful and engaging, everything stops.

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