
[ Yogeshwar]

The Yogeshwar Linga is a combination of ascetic discipline and exuberant ecstasy.


The Yogeshwar Linga is a combination of ascetic discipline and exuberant ecstasy.

The Yogeshwar Linga has five chakras – muladhara, swadhishthana, manipura, vishuddhi, and agna. Each one of them has sixteen dimensions. No anahata – a heartless yogi. One reason is the linga is essentially created for sadhana, not worship. Of course, people are going to worship him, but that is not the main purpose. Everyone loves Linga Bhairavi because she has a strong anahata, even though she only has one half of it, or half a heart. Dhyanalinga has a full heart, but it is a yogi’s heart. It beats so steadily that no one notices it. If you are subtle and steady, people think you are not in love – they expect you to pant. I decided to pull the heart out of the Yogeshwar Linga because anahata sadhana is too confusing for most people. This yogi is sheer Intensity and Inclusiveness – no love affair.

How to approach Yogeswar Linga

There are two approaches to the Yogeshwar Linga – yogaratova, bhogaratova. Either you can approach it in discipline or in abandon. Most people will claim they prefer to be in abandon and ecstasy rather than discipline. Conditional abandon is okay for domestic life, but it is not enough if you want to know the Divine. To cross the boundaries of your existence, you need a different level of abandon. The Yogeshwar Linga is a combination of ascetic discipline and exuberant ecstasy. He will ensure that you approach him according to your prarabdha or karmic imprints. Without dismantling your prarabdha karma, at least to a certain extent, there is no way to break barriers and know a sense of yoga or union. If you hang on to your prarabdha as if it was some valuable property, there is no way for you to breach the boundaries. The cyclical nature of your existence will repeat itself endlessly. If you want to cross the limits in a way that will make a big difference in your life, you have to dismantle some aspect of your prarabdha. Otherwise, spiritual process will be like eating a nut with the shell – not a pleasant experience. First you must break the shell – then the nut will taste sweet.

As beautiful as it seems, a love affair only gives a small taste of inclusiveness.
– Sadhguru

The Yogeshwar Linga is designed to bring sheer Intensity and Inclusiveness that will lead to union. For most human beings, the sweetest moments they have known in life are moments of love, when they were somewhat in sync with someone emotionally. Unfortunately, this is all most people tasted. Intensity of inclusiveness need not be emotional – it is a fundamental life affair. As beautiful as it seems, a love affair only gives a small taste of inclusiveness. This shows poverty of profound experience of life.

If you approach the Yogeshwar Linga in the right way, it brings sheer inclusiveness without emotion. A heartless yogi is not brutal but pure. He has neither positive nor negative emotion. He knows only Yoga, Inclusion, Union. If you have a positive emotion, you can also have a negative emotion. If you have a positive thought, you can also have a negative thought. This is the nature of existence – everything has an opposite. It takes a lot of management to constantly maintain a positive emotion. With an entity of his nature, we wanted to leave out such unnecessary difficulties.

Through the ages, since Adiyogi, there have been only a few dozen yogis who have had all the seven chakras with all their dimensions on. Such yogis who had total mastery over all the chakras and their dimensions were referred to as chakreshwaras. A famous one was Matsyendranath – Sri Brahma was another. Only a few dozen chakreshwaras in the last ten to fifteen thousand years – that does not speak well of humanity. If you just have a bleeding heart, a lot of people fall for that and think you are a great saint. That is why teachings like “Love is the core of the universe” or “God is love” are so popular in the world.

Through the ages, since Adiyogi, there have been only a few dozen yogis who have had all the seven chakras with all their dimensions on.
– Sadhguru

There are more dimensions to what you refer to as God than sappy love. If love is all you are looking for, a dog is the best companion. Only a dog can pretend to love you all the time. There is a lot more complexity to human existence. Only a silly mind will think sappy love is divine. It is very human to have sweet emotions towards someone. Sweet emotions are good, but they will not make you rise. Using your heart to rise is hard. First of all, it requires you to give yourself up, which most human beings are not capable of.

This heartless yogi is so absolutely Inclusive he doesn’t need emotion. When you include everything as a part of you, where is the need to fall in love with anyone? Only if you stand like a wall, one day you have to fall. Saying this may make me unpopular, but we want to cure you of love so that you learn to be inclusive. To love, you need two. Inclusiveness means there is only one. When Shiva found his woman, he simply took her and made her a part of himself – one half of him. People misunderstand being heartless as being insensitive, because they have never considered inclusiveness as a way to exist. Two people play around with love if it is convenient for both of them. If it is not convenient, they will fall out.

This yogi who is going to live well beyond us could see a few million people of this generation and many, many more of future generations. Human intelligence is going to take precedence over everything else. Both good things and ugly things will happen out of this. It is time we use our intelligence and energy to work towards inclusiveness. The muladhara, swadhishthana and manipura of the Yogeshwar Linga will give you health, wellbeing, and a deep sense of ecstasy. It is easy to make a joyful human being inclusive. I think you have a right to be healthy, to be joyful, and to live ecstatically. This life is a phenomenal process that you didn’t create. It is for you to keep it well and take it to its peak. The Yogeshwar Linga is there for you to experientially explore dimensions beyond the senses.

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