Guru Paduka Stotram Chant

[Guru Paduka Stotram]

Anantha samsara samudhra thara naukayithabhyam guru bhakthithabhyam,
Vairagya samrajyadha poojanabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.

Kavithva varahsini sagarabhyam, dourbhagya davambudha malikabhyam,
Dhoorikrutha namra vipathithabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.

Natha yayo sripatitam samiyu kadachidapyashu daridra varya,
Mookascha vachaspathitham hi thabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.

Naleeka neekasa pada hrithabhyam, nana vimohadhi nivarikabyam,
Nama janabheeshtathathi pradhabhyam namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.

Nrupali mouleebraja rathna kanthi saridvi raja jjashakanyakabhyam,
Nrupadvadhabhyam nathaloka pankhthe, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.

Papandhakara arka paramparabhyam, thapathryaheendra khageswarabhyam,
Jadyabdhi samsoshana vadawabhyam namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.

Shamadhi shatka pradha vaibhavabhyam, Samadhi dhana vratha deeksithabhyam,
Ramadhavangri sthira bhakthidabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.

Swarchaparana makhileshtathabhyam, swaha sahayaksha durndarabhyam,
Swanthacha bhava pradha poojanabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.

Kaamadhi sarpa vraja garudabhyam, viveka vairagya nidhi pradhabhyam,
Bhodha pradhabhyam drutha mokshathabhyam, namo nama sri guru padukabhyam.

Guru Paduka Stotram is a very powerful chant that glorifies the “sandals of the Guru,” which are symbolically represented as “the boat to help cross the endless ocean of life.” This chant enables one to become receptive to the Guru’s Grace. The chant sung by Isha Brahmacharis is available as part of the Vairagya album and can be downloaded for free. It is also available as part of the Isha Chants app.

Sadhguru: If grace is not available to you or you are not available to grace, it does not matter how much money you have, how much wealth you have, whatever nonsense you have, you will not live a beautiful life. A Guru’s grace is not some airy thing that you imagine. It is a very physical presence. It’s as physical as the breeze that you feel. It’s as physical as the sunlight.

If you become very receptive to grace, you find everything is effortless because you are now a well-lubricated being

– Sadhguru

What you refer to as the Guru is just a certain energy, a certain possibility. It is not the person. A certain person has only become a representative of that energy and that space. If you have to see, it is light that you need, not the light bulb. But right now that particular light bulb happens to be the source of light. So you tend to think “I cannot exist without the light bulb.” On one level it is true. But the nature of the Guru is not limited to time and space. So it is not because you sit next to the light bulb you get the maximum light. You could be a thousand miles away and you may receive more grace than the person who is right now sitting next to that person.

Success will not come to you without grace. Somehow, one way or the other you have to learn to be receptive to grace. Just your mental state may make you receptive, the way you keep your body may make you receptive, the way you keep your emotions may make you receptive or you have more complex methods, you understand the mechanics of how it works and you become receptive. But without grace there will be no success. You maybe brilliant but still you will be a failure. You may be immensely capable still you will be a failure.

But a moment of grace, and suddenly you will see everything will be successful. For you to be peaceful, for you to be happy, you can do it from within. If you know how to keep your body and your mind, you can do these things. But being successful in what you’re doing will not happen without grace. Without the lubricant of grace your machine will not go too far. Everything will be an uphill task in your life. Most human beings do this to themselves because they are so full of themselves. They will not become available to grace. Everything in their life is hard work – education is hard work, going to work is hard work, marriage is one big hard work. But if you become very receptive to grace, you find everything is effortless because you are now a well-lubricated being.

Lyrics of Guru Paduka Stotram (Isha)

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