Surya Kriya

[Surya Kriya]

Surya Kriya is a potent yogic practice of tremendous antiquity, designed as a holistic process for health, wellness, and complete inner well-being. “Surya” means “sun,” and “kriya” means “inner energy process.” Surya Kriya activates the solar plexus to raise the samat prana, or solar heat, in the system. It also balances a person’s left and right energy channels, leading to stability of the body and stillness of the mind. This strong foundation becomes the basis to explore higher dimensions of life.

Surya kriya is also a complete spiritual process.

“Surya Kriya is a phenomenal process in that direction to bring smoothness to the system. This smoothness to the system or this well-oiled feeling within yourself will not come unless you are in sync with the largest system, which is the solar system. The larger body of who you are is the solar system.”

– Sadhguru

Traditionally available only to select groups of yogis, Surya Kriya is being offered by Sadhguru as a comprehensive spiritual practice that is ideal for the hectic pace of today’s world.


▵ Surya Kriya is a potent yogic practice of tremendous antiquity, designed as a holistic process for health, wellness, and complete inner well-being. “Surya” means “sun,” and “kriya” means “inner energy process.” Surya Kriya activates the solar plexus to raise the samat prana, or solar heat, in the system.


Surya Kriya includes several aspects that enrich one’s life:
▵ Develops mental clarity and focus
▵ Remedies weak constitutions
▵ Boosts vigor and vitality
▵ Balances hormonal levels in the body
▵ Prepares one for deeper states of meditation

Spiritual Significance

▵ Prepares one for deeper states of meditation
▵ It also balances a person’s left and right energy channels, leading to stability of the body and stillness of the mind. This strong foundation becomes the basis to explore higher dimensions of life. 
Surya Kriya – Living Without Friction
Surya Kriya is a phenomenal process in that direction to bring smoothness to the system. This smoothness to the system or this well-oiled feeling within yourself will not come unless you are in sync with the largest system, which is the solar system. The larger body of who you are is the solar system.
This process of Surya Kriya is to enlarge the cycles of who you are; in such a way that your energy system’s cycles should increase in a way that it becomes exactly the same as the solar cycles, which takes something like twelve years, three months and some few days to complete the cycle. Your system, your energy system should take exactly the same time. If you take the same time, if your cycles are absolutely in sync with the sun, then you will see your system will run without any kind of friction. Whatever kinds of little bit of aberrations that one may be born with, whatever types of aberrations that one might have acquired in the process of living, all these are smoothened out. To bring this state, there are various systems. Surya Kriya is a powerful process in that direction.
– Excerpt from Surya Kriya – Living Without Friction (Isha)

Surya Kriya – Breaking the Karmic Cycle
When we say Surya we are talking about the sun, the basic powerhouse for this planet. Everything on this planet is solar powered – all life on this planet is solar powered, including yourself.  The solar cycles run in twelve and a quarter to twelve and a half years. To be able to ride these cycles is a part of your well-being. You can either ride these cycles or you can be crushed by them.
The sun, the planet and the moon have a significant role in making the human body. Surya Kriya is a way of using the sun’s cycle so that you bring your physical body to a twelve and a quarter to twelve and a half years cycle. If you observe your life carefully you will see that at certain periods of time, from the beginning of puberty, for example, there is a certain sense of repetitiveness to the situations that you face. The psychological experiences that you have, the emotional situations that you experience are cyclical. Someone may be going through a twelve year cycle; another may go through a six year cycle or three years, eighteen months, nine months or a six months cycle. If it goes anywhere below a three months cycle then that means, psychologically one is in a state where one definitely needs medical treatment.
– Excerpt from Surya Kriya – Breaking the Karmic Cycle (Isha)

Program Guidelines

Please note that attendance on all days is mandatory. This programme is open to ages 14 and above.

▵ Women who are currently pregnant
▵ Anyone who has had a major open surgery within the last 6 months
▵ If you have an active hernia
▵ Anyone who has had a laparoscopic surgery or any severe muscular injury within the last 6 weeks

As a general note, always consult and follow your doctor’s advice.

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