Bhuta Shuddhi

[Bhuta Shuddhi]

The basis for all creation, including the physical body, is the group of five elements: earth, water, wind, fire, and space. The wellbeing of the body and mind can be established by purifying these five elements within the human system. This process also shapes the body into a stepping stone towards one’s ultimate wellbeing.

There is a whole system of yoga called Bhuta Shuddhi, which means “purification of the elements.”  The Bhuta Shuddhi processes offered by Isha provide a unique opportunity for everyone to benefit from this esoteric yogic science, which otherwise requires intense sadhana (spiritual practices).

The idea of practicing Bhuta Shuddhi is to rearrange the way the elements function within you. You want to change the intention with which they function within you. If the elements within you function in the same way as they function in the earth or a tree, it is not useful to you. In the human system, the elements function in a particular way. We want them to function that way and to transform themselves into higher and higher possibilities.

– Sadhguru


▵ The basis for all creation, including the physical body, is the group of five elements: earth, water, wind, fire, and space. The wellbeing of the body and mind can be established by purifying these five elements within the human system. This process also shapes the body into a stepping stone towards one’s ultimate wellbeing.

There is a whole system of yoga called Bhuta Shuddhi, which means “purification of the elements.”  The Bhuta Shuddhi processes offered by Isha provide a unique opportunity for everyone to benefit from this esoteric yogic science, which otherwise requires intense sadhana (spiritual practices).


▵ Keeps the system in harmony and balance
▵ Prepares the system to handle powerful states of energy
▵ Enhances the capabilities of the physical body, mind, and energy system
▵ Creates the basis to gain complete mastery over the human system

Spiritual Significance

▵ It is these five elements that make up this body, this planet, this solar system, and the universe. Each of these five elements has its own individual nature, and all of them are capable of absorbing and retaining information. The whole system of bhuta shuddhi has evolved from the knowledge that the five elements can take in and hold information. If information is properly put into anything, it also creates an intention. Depending upon what kind of information you hold about something, you naturally develop a certain intention towards that something. Once you have an intention, you start moving in that direction.
▵ The idea of practicing bhuta shuddhi is to rearrange the way the elements function within you. You want to change the intention with which they function within you. If the elements within you function in the same way as they function in the earth or a tree, it is not useful to you. In the human system, the elements function in a particular way. We want them to function that way and to transform themselves into higher and higher possibilities.
Excerpt – Bhuta Shuddhi – Rearranging Elemental Functioning (Isha)

▵ Cleansing it is also about cleansing it and making it free of the accumulated information or the karmic substance. If this is not done then you will be a strong individual but you will never know how to breach this boundary that you have set for yourself. 
▵ You meditate, you do Shoonya meditation for some time – if you don’t do it for a certain period of time slowly it’ll turn back. But that is not the nature of Bhuta Shuddhi. Bhuta Shuddhi if you do nothing seems to be happening because it’s very fundamental and it’s slow but whatever happens, it will not turn back. It stays with you, as long as you hold this body it stays with you it will not go because it’s on a very fundamental level. That’s the significance of Bhuta Shuddhi.
Excerpt – Bhuta Shuddhi – Getting To The Root Of Karma

Program Guidelines

Completion of Inner Engineering is a prerequisite. This programme is open to ages 14 and above.

Please come on an empty stomach condition: Finish a meal 4 hours prior to the class, snack 2.5 hours prior, beverage or cigarette 1.5 hours before the class.

Due to the nature of the practices taught, there are some contraindications. People who fall under any of the below categories are not eligible to participate at this time:

▵ Women who are currently pregnant
▵ Anyone who has had a major open surgery within the last 6 months
▵ Anyone who has had a laparoscopic surgery or any severe muscular injury within the last 6 weeks

As a general note, always consult and follow your doctor’s advice.

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