Isha Insight

    [Isha Insight]

    ‘Isha Insight: The DNA of Success’ is a consciously curated program to help you as entrepreneurs in navigating the rapidly changing environment, while exploring the science of scaling up your business. The aim of the program is to enhance your ability to ‘see’ through four days of thought-provoking discussions as well as tools for inner transformation. It offers a rare chance for you to assess your journey through the experiential lens of successful leaders.

    “If we want the country to move forward, the focus of leadership has to shift from personal ambition to a larger vision.”

    – Sadhguru

    A 4-day live online business leadership intensive

    A 4-day live online business leadership intensive to empower the entrepreneur in this decade of accelerated change

    Decades have crunched into months when it comes to adopting new technologies for just about everything — working, shopping, exercising, eating out, entertainment, healthcare, etc. No sector of the economy has been left untouched. There is a general consensus among analysts that 2020s will be the decade on record with unforeseen structural shifts and drastic innovation.

    Who should attend

    Who should attend the program?

    You are an entrepreneur or business owner / CxO looking for:

    1. Practical advice from established industry leaders to navigate their business through rapidly changing times
    2. Methods to evaluate the way your business is being impacted and readjust your focus for continued success
    3. Tools for inner transformation

    Why You Should Attend?

    ▵  Success stories
    Real life case studies of iconic business leaders; facilitated by experienced Resource Leaders

    Top CxOs as Resource Leaders
    Interact and learn from top business leaders across various industries

    Sessions with Sadhguru
    Hear Sadhguru’s perspective on leadership and business, and learn tools for inner wellbeing.

    Rediscover Purpose
    Reassess your organization’s purpose in rapidly changing times such that it serves as a galvanizing force for your most critical business objectives.

    Pre and Post Event Engagement
    Reassess your organization’s purpose in rapidly changing times such that it serves as a galvanizing force for your most critical business objectives.

    Alumni Community
    Connect with industry thought leaders, CxOs and co-build a community with peers to anchor your journey ahead.

    Decade of Isha Insight

    Over the last nine years that we have been conducting this program, we have had significant success in helping entrepreneurs break through their limitations. This year, we celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the program — A Decade of Insight.

    What leaders are saying?

    I know of no other program in my fifty years of global experience where you have such a large gathering of CEOs available as Resource Advisors for four days.
    Dr. Ram Charan
    Business Advisor, Author and Top CEO Coach

    I was so pleased to hear from Sadhguru about his belief in the importance of entrepreneurs building businesses to create jobs. And therefore, I am truly honoured to meet all of you who all are starting the revolution of creating lots of jobs, and thereby reducing the problem of poverty in this country.
    Narayana Murthy
    Founder, Infosys

    There is a business context, there is an individual personal context and there is a context of inner dimension. It is entirely appropriate that someone like Sadhguru takes the lead in this sphere
    K. V. Kamath
    President, The New Development Bank BRICS

    To make something successful there are many things which you can learn and practice but at the same time there are certain things which are beyond practice. Everybody works hard but only few people actually soar high and make it happen. So what is that difference – analysing that, understanding that and debating that especially with the people who are really practicing it and hearing it from them – this is the unique opportunity that the program offers.
    Prasoon Joshi
    National Award Winning Lyricist, Screenwriter and Advertising Copywriter


    It would have taken me ten years to get all the lessons and the insights that I got in those 3 or 4 days.
    Sucheth Davuluri
    CEO, Neuland Laboratories Ltd

    What they were able to give us in terms of insights into management, into leadership and into various challenges that they converted into opportunities – these were just absolutely invaluable. The kind of networking we got to do, the kind of people we got to meet in this program were again fantastic.
    Rajiv Jeyabalan
    Managing Director, Susee Group

    Nowhere else is this kind of a combination available; the opportunity to learn from academicians, from practitioners and from a great mystic like Sadhguru, bringing together diverse perspectives on management and entrepreneurial topics.What makes this experience all the more wonderful is the unique setting of this ashram, which gives you a rare opportunity to think of what you want to do in the future in a totally stress free and calm ambient environment.
    Sandeep Dhar
    CEO of Tesco Hsc, Tesco’s Global Operations and Technology center in Bangalore

    I have attended innumerable national and global business leadership conferences but what Insight has done for me in just 3 days is simply phenomenal. It has changed the way I work and live.
    Anisha Motwani
    Director & CMO, Max Life Insurance

    In the beginning of the program, I was slightly apprehensive whether any serious learning would be possible amidst such eminent personalities and super achievers. But I was amazed to see a wonderful combination of selflessness and purposefulness in the resource leaders. The humility and altruism of these visionary leaders did wonders to the learning process. I have come back with rich insights and new Gurus who I could not ever have dreamt would be my mentors/coaches for life. Thank you Sadhguru for conceptualizing such an inspirational program and thanks to all Isha volunteers, yogis and musicians for providing me this wonderful experience.
    Deepali Daga
    CEO, PlatOz HR Pvt Ltd

    It was a wonderful experience at INSIGHT 2015. I must congratulate the team for all the efforts in making this program the most memorable event that I would cherish for a long time. I came there as an individual and have come back with loads of insights and very good lifelong friends. My special thanks to all the unsung heroes: the volunteers who took care of every little details to make the experience special. Dr. Dipak Jain in the true sense is an inspiring teacher and I can’t thank INSIGHT enough for giving each one of us the opportunity to have him as our mentor. Abhay made the sessions special by removing all the apprehensions and giving us the confidence to do more. The huddle sessions and workshops were very professionally organized “ Under the tree” giving us the true sense of Gurukul. The presence of “Sadhguru” each one of the days made the event so different form the other leadership programs. While as leaders of our organization we are busy taking care of others, his teachings has made it clear that fixing self before outside is the key to leadership. As entrepreneurs this Academy has given us a platform to collaborate and move towards the larger goal of building an economically stronger nation.
    Dr. Sharmila Anand
    Santosh University

    I immensely enjoyed, once again, the spiritual and truly original intellectual insights that come from Sadhguru. Invariably these are beautifully simple, logically flawless and yet open up sparklingly clear new windows of thought. Besides this I benefitted from the abundance of business genius in the program, which in the best part, was present in an overwhelming environment of humility, accessibility and supported by quiet efficient organisation – something that is the essence of Isha.
    Vivek Chhachhi

    The perspective and practices that Sadhguru has given gives you the strength and stability to go through the day without getting overly disturbed by stress. I can clearly see that i’ve become gentler and less judgmental. My equanimity and sense of calmness in the face of all that life throws at me has certainly improved a lot.
    Ravi Venkatesan
    Former Chairman, Microsoft India

    Here was a situation where large companies were meeting with SMEs, and each one of them brought a refreshingly different perspective and that really helped us compliment and learn from each other, in a way that most other programs do not offer today.
    Vellayan Subbiah
    Managing Director, Cholamandalam Investment & Finance

    Watch past sessions

    Contact Us

    Mobile: +91 83000 84888

    ▵ Isha Insight (Isha)

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