

A small town in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India.

▵ It was here in Cuddapah that Sadhguru spoke about his guru for the first time. 
The Dhyanalinga consecration work kept us all occupied. Those were the most intense times of my life as a brahmachari. Four months after Vijji Akka’s Mahasamadhi, Sadhguru asked me to make arrangements for about 400 meditators to go to a temple in Cuddapah, Andhra Pradesh. Before we left for Cuddapah, a meditator donated her gold to get a gold kavacha made for the linga in that temple. From the goldsmith, the kavacha was brought to the ashram in a small procession, and then it was taken to Cuddapah to adorn the linga. It was here in Cuddapah that Sadhguru spoke about his guru for the first time. 

He took all the brahmacharis through a powerful process that night in the same mandapam where he had sat in his previous life to make the blueprint of Dhyanalinga. The process was immensely powerful, my arm started to move up and down in a strange way, and I found myself making loud sounds all night, similar to an elephant trumpet. I continued to drift into this state for the next few months during any powerful situation. And so my intensity took one more leap after that visit to the Cuddapah temple. 

On the Path of the Divine – Swami Gurubiksha (Isha)

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