Aumkar Meditation

[aumkaar med-i- tey -sh uh n ]

In the yogic culture, the entire existence is seen as a complex amalgamation of sounds. The three root sounds that come out of this are “Aa”, “Oo” and “Mm”. Uttered together, these form “Aum”.

Visitors to the centre can be initiated into this timeless and powerful mantra. “Aum” activates and energises various sections in the body, reverberating through the entire system. Furthermore, daily utterance of this sound can bring peace and balance and is known to relieve the practitioner from numerous physical and mental ailments with regular practice.


▵ In the yogic culture, the entire existence is seen as a complex amalgamation of sounds. The three root sounds that come out of this are “Aa”, “Oo” and “Mm”. Uttered together, these form “Aum”.


▵ “Aum” activates and energises various sections in the body, reverberating through the entire system.
▵ Daily utterance of this sound can bring peace and balance and is known to relieve the practitioner from numerous physical and mental ailments with regular practice.

Program Guidelines

Aumkar happens daily. The session is free and open to all (Must be 7 or older).

Timings & Locations

Isha Yoga Center, Coimbatore – 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm IST.

Isha Institute of Inner-sciences – 12:15 pm to 1:00 pm CT.

Learn more

Aumkar Meditation (Isha)
AUM Chanting for the Thirsty (Isha)

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