Madhyamavathi (Sounds of Isha)

While words have their intellectual appeal, instrumental music can sometimes create an openness that language cannot. Among the many instrumental pieces Sounds of Isha has created to manifest different ambiences, Madhyamavathi is one of the more beautiful ones. The name reflects the raga on which the song is based.

We have also had the fortune of some part-time volunteers, who have contributed to our music. We could use this opportunity to say how Sounds of Isha is not just some small group of people in the ashram but consists of so many meditators all over India and the world, all contributing to the music and connected with the common bond of Sadhguru’s Grace.

The flute melody for this piece was composed by one of our meditators. He wanted to offer it to sadhguru and as we worked with it to create a song, we had the fortune of roping in a few more contributors from amongst our volunteers. The result is what you hear.

We had no particular plan as to what ambience to manifest through this song. However, from our experience, we find that it can be soulful, meditative or relaxing–soothing and settling.

Let us know how you experience it!

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