
[ Kaleshwara ]

Kala means time. Even if you have mastered the five elements, become one with the boundless, or you know dissolution – as long as you are here, time is ticking away. Mastering time is a completely different dimension.

Kala means time. Even if you have mastered the five elements, become one with the boundless, or you know dissolution – as long as you are here, time is ticking away. Mastering time is a completely different dimension. Kala does not just mean time, it also means darkness. Time is darkness. Time cannot be light because light travels in time. Light is a slave of time. Light is a phenomenon that has a beginning and an end. Time is not that kind of phenomenon. In the Hindu way of life, they have a very sophisticated understanding of time as six different dimensions. One thing you have to know – as you sit here, your time is ticking away. The Tamil expression for death is very good – “Kalam aayitanga,” meaning “his time is up.”

In English, we also used such an expression in the past – “he expired.” Like a drug or anything else, a human being also comes with an expiry date. You may think you are going to so many places. No, as far as your body is concerned, it is going straight to the grave without deviating for a moment. You can slow down this process a bit, but it will not change direction. As you are getting older, you can see the earth tries to suck you back. Life completes its turn.

Time is a special dimension of life – it does not fit into the other three dimensions. And of all the things in the universe, it is the most elusive stuff. You cannot pin it down, because it is not. It does not exist in any form of existence that you know. It is the most powerful dimension of creation, which holds the whole universe together. Because of this, modern physics is clueless about how gravity functions. There is no gravity; it is time which holds everything together.

Learn More:
▵ 10 Forms of Shiva Explained (Isha)

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