Inner Engineering

[ in -er en-j uh – neer -ing / ĕn′jə-nîr ′ ĭng ]

Inner Engineering is a technology for well-being derived from the science of Yoga. It is offered as a comprehensive course for personal growth that brings about a shift in the way you perceive and experience your life, your work, and the world that you live in.

“As there is a science and technology to create external well-being, there is a whole dimension of science and technology for inner well-being.”



▵ Inner Engineering is a technology for well-being derived from the science of Yoga. It is offered as a comprehensive course for personal growth that brings about a shift in the way you perceive and experience your life, your work, and the world that you live in.


▵ Maintain high energy & alertness throughout the day
▵ Improve communication & interpersonal relationships
▵ Enhance mental clarity, emotional balance & productivity
▵ Eliminate stress, fear and anxiety
▵ Stress-free life that can alleviate chronic ailments
▵ Achieve joy, tranquility and fulfillment
▵ Improved cardiac health.
▵ Greater coherence within the brain.
▵ Improved sleep.
▵ Improved attention and focus.
▵ Reduced menstrual disorders.
▵ Reduce medication and eliminate problems such as depression, allergies, asthma and other ailments.
▵ Greater inner peace.
▵ Improved emotional balance.
▵ Greater mental clarity.
▵ Increased energy levels.
▵ Improved self confidence.
▵ Reduce medication and eliminate problems such as depression, allergies, asthma and other ailments.

Spiritual Significance

▵ Inner Engineering program offers the live transmission of Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya, an ancient, purifying 21-minute yoga practice of immeasurable transformative power that Sadhguru has brought to the modern world. Shambhavi aligns your entire system so that your body, mind, emotions and energies function in harmony, establishing a chemistry of blissfulness within you and empowering you to create your life the way you want it.

Today, it has millions of dedicated practitioners who have experienced greater emotional balance, focus, stability, athletic endurance and improved health.
Touch the Source of Creation
The Shambhavi Mahamudra is a tool to touch the source of creation. In touching your innermost core, there is transformation. -Sadhguru

Why Shambhavi?
There is a certain way to engineer our system, to make this body, to make this mind… the very chemistry within us the way we want it.” Traditionally, yoga sees the human being as five layers of body: the physical body, the mental body, the pranic energy body, the etheric body and the bliss body. The reason why most people are unhappy or unhealthy is that the physical, the mental and the “pranic” body are not in alignment. Sadhguru explains, “If they are properly aligned, a natural expression, an overwhelming expression of joyfulness will naturally happen within a human being. Now, we are looking at the technology of keeping these three bodies constantly aligned so that joyfulness is not an accidental happening; joyfulness becomes a normal condition, a natural way of living for you. -Sadhguru
– Excerpt from Why Shambhavi (Isha)

Shambhavi Mahamudra – A Consecration
There are various types of initiations. And though we call some of them initiations, not all of them are really initiations. The first process like that that we offer, Shambhavi Mahamudra, is not really an initiation – it is more like a consecration. We are consecrating people. By any standards, consecrating a living human being is the easiest thing to do compared to consecrating a form like the Adiyogi linga [in the Adiyogi Alayam, Isha Yoga Center]. This needs enormous work, because you are transforming an inanimate object into almost like an animate life, a living discerning form. He knows everything about you [Referring to the Adiyogi linga]. – Sadhguru
– Excerpt from How Do Initiations Affect Sadhguru? (Isha)


I came to the program feeling somewhat demoralized and skeptical and even some anger the first day. But by the time it was finished there was a peace that I was experiencing that felt really marvelous and somewhat strange to me. And really I experienced joy, that was the impact. What’s really impressive is that my wife actually saw these changes.”
– Dr Gabor Maté, Physician

“Inner Engineering is fascinating. If you are ready, it is a tool to help awaken your own inner intelligence, the ultimate and supreme genius that mirrors the wisdom of the cosmos.”
– Deepak Chopra,  Author, Speaker, Alternative Doctor

“I have found what I had lost, and now everything makes sense. No amount of success, awards, money, relationships have ever touched me as this experience. I’m just so fortunate to be in this world, at this time when Sadhguru is there.”
– Kangana Ranaut, Actress

“Is Sadhguru a man that is bringing peace to the world? Yes he is, but that’s just a statement. Beyond statements, beyond love, beyond words, beyond even yearning there lies somewhere there, an access point to something that is eternal.”
– Shekhar Kapur, Indian film Director

Learn Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya:
Inner Engineering (Isha)
Register for Inner Engineering Online (Isha)
Register for Inner Engineering Completion (Isha)

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Learn More:
Inner Engineering (Isha)
Register for Inner Engineering Online (Isha)
Register for Inner Engineering Completion (Isha)
Shambhavi Mahamudra (Isha)

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